Man’s idea of raising babies

Let me preference this post by saying, I love my husband and I am so thankful that he is the man he is. Kind, loving, sincere, a good provider but I would love it if he and I could switch places. I previously wrote a post that men have it so easy and I still very much feel that way.

Now that KoKo is 9 months it is a given that I am the primary caregiver. Believe it or not my husband still gripes about me not cleaning or cooking. In the beginning I use to argue with him but now I just ignore him. I figure if he wants something cleaned then he should clean it. If he is hungry then he should fix him something to eat. Now don’t get me wrong on my off days I will cook – sometimes but not every off day. KoKo is at the point now where it is hard to cook if I am at home by myself. She won’t sit in her bouncer, forget trying to put her in a playpen and we don’t have any gates. Which means when I am in the kitchen she is right beside me crawling around getting into everything. It is very hard trying to cook when you have a miniature human pulling on your pants legs or pulling everything out of the dishwasher as you are trying to put the dishes in.

Honestly, I feel like my husband should do all of the cooking and cleaning. The reason I say this is because he works from 6p – 2a. So everyday five days a week, he is at home by himself from 10a until he goes to work. Isn’t that enough time to cook and clean? I do not get days by myself. If I am not at work I am with KoKo. If I am not with KoKo then that means I had an appointment or went to the grocery store so I am still not just lounging. My husband gets to lounge all the time and yet when I get home the kitchen is a mess, the living room is a mess, the bathroom is a mess, the bedroom is a mess. I think to myself, what has he been doing all day.

On top of that on the days that I am off and he gets off earlier in the day like around 5ish or so (in the evening) he comes home and takes a shower and goes straight to sleep. OMG! I wish I could just come home from work take a shower and go to sleep. Even on the days that I work and he is off and KoKo stays home with him, when I walk in the door he hands KoKo to me and I don’t see him anymore because he is hiding out in his man cave. Mind you the house isn’t clean or any food cooked.  So if he doesn’t do it why does he think I am going to do it? I don’t get the leisure time he gets but he doesn’t understand that and I am at my wits end trying to make him.

When KoKo cries in the middle of the night I wake up turn towards her and put her back to sleep. What does my husband do? Turn away from her like she is disturbing his sleep. Uh, the nerve.

I guess I just needed to get some of this stuff off of my chest before I pop. Tell me the truth fellow moms, are all dads like this or do I just have a special case?